Split the pot winner to take home $840

UPDATE: October 25

Congratulations to Annette Skonetski, who won $840 with button 118. Thank you to everybody who bought a button this year!

UPDATE: October 21 12:00 p.m.

Hope you held onto your split the pot buttons…

No winner came forward to claim the $840 prize from the Autumn Festival of Crafts, so we’re back with a new winning number.

If you have 118, contact the Chamber prior to 11am October 28. Send a message here, through our website, or call 815-476-5991 to let us know you have it.

If this button is not claimed we will draw again at noon on Oct 28.

Below is the original post from the winning number posted on October 14:

The winning number from this year’s Autumn Festival of Crafts split the pot button raffle is 589. If you have this button contact the Chamber and we will arrange getting you your prize of $840. You have until Monday morning on October 21 to come forward.

If you don’t have that number, hang on to your button. If no winner is found we will draw a new winning number each Monday at noon.