Jason Hendron Construction first dollar presentation

Jason Hendron Construction receives First Dollar

The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce recently held a ribbon cutting and First Dollar Award presentation for Hendron Cabinet Construction at 450 Davy Ln., Wilmington. Chamber president Steve Evans of Spins and Needles (left) and Chamber Ambassador Cylee Fuller of ServPro -Morris presented Jason Hendron (center) with a first dollar of pure profit for opening a new … Read more

Lisa Marie's Hair Salon first dollar presentation

Chamber welcomes Lisa Marie’s Hair Salon

The Wilmington Chamber recently presented a First Dollar Award to Lisa Duschene (right) of Lisa Marie’s Styling Salon, 450 Davy Ln., Wilmington. Chamber Ambassador Cylee Fuller of ServPro of Morris presents Duschene with a first dollar of pure profit after opening her salon in Wilmington. Lisa Marie has been a hair stylist for 14 years … Read more

Mimi’s Cafe welcomed to Wilmington

Kathy Gray (right) of Mimi’s Cafe receives a First Dollar award from Chamber Ambassador Cylee Fuller of Servpro. Mimi’s Cafe is located at 209 N. Water St in Wilmington.

Chamber Welcomes New Owner of Riverfront Lanes

Riverfront Lanes owner David Simpson (right) accepts a First Dollar Award from Chamber Ambassador Cylee Fuller, (left) of Servpro Morris/Ottawa. Riverfront Lanes is a bowling alley and lounge located at 402 S. Water St. in Wilmington. Their phone number is (815) 476-2600. Visit their website at riverfrontlanes.com.

Chamber Welcomes Gaby’s Candy to Wilmington

Owner Joshua Taylor (left) accepts the First Dollar from Chamber Ambassador Cylee Fuller, (right) of Servpro Morris/Ottawa. Gaby’s Candy & Gourmet Popcorn is located at 120 Bridge St in Wilmington. Events like birthday parties and popcorn bars, and more are coming soon. Stop in and welcome Gaby’s Candy to Wilmington.