Letter from the President
Welcome to Wilmington and the Wilmington, IL Chamber of Commerce!
I was born and raised in Wilmington and, besides three years of military service, I have lived and worked in the Wilmington area my entire life. I have a passion for our small town living but also hope to see healthy business growth. This is a great place to live and raise a family, to work, and is an amazing opportunity for those wishing to start up a new business.
The Chamber of Commerce board members share this excitement as we strive fulfill our goals: strengthening the business community and improving the quality of life in Wilmington. The Chamber supports and promotes our members through our website, social media, and word of mouth. I encourage members to take full advantage of all the perks the Chamber offers. We fund our work through member dues, annual events, and raffles as we continue our Tourism and Beautification Program, as well as funding two scholarships to local graduating high school seniors.
At the Chamber we continue to find new ways to bring value to our members and have an exciting year planned. Networking opportunities are one of the largest benefits that members can take advantage of, including monthly member meetings. I invite members to share what is happening with their business and present on local happenings beneficial to the membership. Members may also sponsor a night meeting and highlight their services as a bonus speaker. We hold our regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month at noon at Tuffy’s Lounge. This year we started a Business Before Hours event and are planning Business After Hours events for those unable to get away from their work during the day.
I look forward to working with our dedicated board members to keep our organization growing to benefit the businesses of Wilmington. Thank you for visiting our website, our town, and our Chamber of Commerce. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as we do!
Steve Evans
2024 Wilmington Chamber of Commerce President